There is one piece of advice I give to all of my clients – “Ask for help.” People want to help us solve the challenges that we face. Our friends and family do it because they care about us, and they want to see us succeed. Some people want to help us for less noble reasons. It may make them feel good about themselves. They may believe that helping us will make us more willing to help them when they need it. Regardless of the motivation, there are people willing to help if only we ask.
For some reason, I have been hesitant to follow my own advice. That’s not to say I haven’t received extraordinary help throughout the process of writing and publishing If You Will Lead. More often than not, the help has come from family, friends and colleagues offering their help, rather than my asking for it. Several friends have recently taken me to task for reluctance to ask for help. At their urging, I started sticking my toe in the water, and today I am taking the plunge.
I need your help. If You Will Lead is a reality. Local booksellers should have it on their shelves this week or next, and Amazon will be shipping pre-orders shortly. So here is my request for help. If you haven’t done so already, pre-order your copy today, and contact local booksellers to encourage them to stock If You Will Lead. So, there it is. I’m practicing what I preach. Thank you for your support.